
Apple sandbox tester password invalid
Apple sandbox tester password invalid

You are calling SKReceiptRefreshRequest or restoreCompletedTransactions, which is prompting you to enter your username and password. See TN2387 In-App Purchase Best Practices > Add a transaction queue observer at application launch and Finish the transaction for more information on how to prevent this issue. As such, you need to call finishTransaction: on the associated transaction to end the loop to resolve your issue. Invalid test accounts cannot be used to test In-App Purchase again. This will result in your test user account becoming invalid.

apple sandbox tester password invalid

You must not use your test user account to sign into the production environment. It connects to a production environment for applications that were downloaded from the App Store. StoreKit connects to the sandbox environment when you launch your application from Xcode, from your test device (iOS), or from the Finder (OS X). Be sure to always use sandbox test user accounts created in iTunes Connect to test your In-App Purchase products. Build and launch your app on your device, enter the new test user account when prompted by StoreKit to authenticate the purchase. Make sure that you are signed out of the Store on your device before starting to test In-App Purchase on your device. Note that doing so will reset your device to its factory default settings.Ĭreate a new test user account in iTunes Connect. The workaround is restore the device to the latest iOS version.

apple sandbox tester password invalid

You are running into a transient bug with the App Store.

Apple sandbox tester password invalid